Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Over the sewing slump

Well, you would've thought with all the time I had off of work I would have gotten a lot of sewing done. Nope..I was so unmotivated. That's okay though...that left me time for other things and spending time with the kids. Of course today...the day before I go back to work...I get over my slump. I got the urge to sew something for valentine's day last night for the HC stocking on Jan. 8. I sewed ribbon loops on the bottom of a denim jumper and then embroidered this adorable design on it. Fell in love with it and felt like making more valentine items. Now, here it is 2:30am and I just partially finished a pillowcase dress (not sure I love it, but we'll see when I'm finished). I'm finally sleepy. I guess all the mornings sleeping in until 9:00 had me over-rested.

Well, off to bed so I can make it through the day tomorrow. Unfortunately it's 3 full days ahead. What a way to go back to work after 12 days off!

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