Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm still there!

I made it through 3 days at my new job! I was very nervous going in. The practice is super busy and they do extractions (gasp) and root canals...both are things I've never assisted with. I've done an extraction once...and let's just say that the girls at Dr. D's won't let me live it down. Well, Tamia will be quite proud of me when I tell her about all the surgical extractions that I've assisted with without passing out! I was just thinking of her today as we were digging a tooth out of someone's jaw as it broke to pieces. LOL
I realized as I was sitting waiting on the doc to come in the room today that I love my new job. It's fast paced and I think sometimes that I'll never be able to keep up, but the days go by fast because we stay so busy and it's so nice being so close to home. I'm glad I finally made the move!

Nothing else exciting going on around here. I spent my day off yesterday sewing and dying yarn.

I finally got around to trying an infant gown.


And I made a shirt to match some yarn I'd dyed a while back.


I have some more yarn..but it's still drying. I'll post pics after it's finished and I have a shirt I need to make to match it.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

LJ's shorties

I tried out a new pattern and let me just say that I am soooo glad to be finished with these. The pattern is fits LJ perfectly! But I didn't understand it at first. This yarn has been through heck and back. First it was knitted into shorties minus one leg, then frogged. Then it was crocheted for about 6" using the new pattern but my stitch count was off so I frogged it again. Crocheted AGAIN using the same pattern and made it 13" only to realize I was measuring wrong and frogged it AGAIN!!! Then on my 4th attempt to transform this yarn into something more than a pile of twisted fibers, I completed the pattern. Now that I understand what I'm supposed to be doing with the pattern, I'm glad I worked it. The shorts fit him perfectly! I'm going to add a trim around the bottom of the legs with the trim color I used for the waistband to finish them off, but I couldn't wait for model shots. And LJ was happy to oblige.



Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New item for the store

I'm working on new items for the store (ya know....the one I've ignored all summer). I just finished this pair of shorties tonight. The wool I used it kinda scratchy so I'm going to soak them in conditioner and then lanolize them. I'm ready to start on my next pair already! woohoo


see the cute little bum poking out. It's to make room for the cloth diaper that it will be covering.


Monday, July 21, 2008

This is it!

My last week. I've almost been at my current job for 5 years! Wow. It surely doesn't seem like it has been that long. Today is the last day I work with my boss. She's on a GDA trip the rest of the week. It's kind of bittersweet. I'm very glad I'll be working closer to home, saving on gas and time...but at the same time I'm sad because I'm really going to miss my office, the patients and the staff. I hope there are no tears from me on Friday.

The new office is going to be challenge. I'll be all back office and it's a super busy practice. I'm taking in all of the slow for the week so I'll be ready for next week.

Sorry, no new pics or exciting news. I'll try to upload the pics I took the other day very soon.