Sunday, February 21, 2010

LJ's new bike and camera setting

Yesterday LJ and I had a day to ourselves. The girls were at their dad's house and Joe was at work. Our first stop was to the park. LJ wanted to play and I wanted to play around with my camera and try to stop shooting in automatic. I really want better shots! We headed out to Dearing park and LJ had so much fun. A couple came up with a little boy and two dogs so LJ had playmates. He really enjoyed playing with the tiny puppy. The little thing followed LJ around wherever he went.





After we left the park we headed to the ice cream shop. LJ decided on mint chocolate chips with gummy bears as a topping and I got chocolate chip cookie dough. We sat in the shop and watched the Olympic games while we ate our ice cream.

Then we went to Walmart. Joe needed us to pick something up and I told LJ we would look at the bikes while we were there. It's time he learned how to ride one. So we found one that was his size and I decided to go ahead and buy it. After the bike was in the cart, he had no intentions of looking around any longer...he was ready to go pay. hehe We had to get a few more things and I don't think he took his eyes off the bike the entire time I shopped! We rode out to the fire station so Joe could see him try it out for the first time. He didn't do so well. He can't quite get the concept of peddling. He'll get it after much practice I know. He enjoyed pushing it around though.






All of these pictures were shot using a semi-manual setting. These were the best shots I got and they're straight out of the camera. No post processing done to them.

I played around a little at the fire station with the hoses lined up. I love these shots.




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