Sunday, August 31, 2008


I hate summer because I hate ants! I swear if summer doesn't hurry up and come to an end I'm going to go insane! Everytime I think I've beat them they turn up somewhere else. Their newest spot. The girls' bed! I mean all over the bed. My poor finger hurts from smooshing them. And I've sprayed around the windowsills where I think they're coming in at and they still come in. I give up. Wouldn't bother me too much if the damn things wouldn't bite! Pardon my french.

OMG...I'm itching all over just thinking about the stupid things. I so wanted to go to bed but now I have to stay up while I wash the load of clean laundry that was sitting on the bed that the ants decided to make their playground. I have to throw the comforter in the washer too to kill any others hanging around.

DIE ANTS DIE. Winter.....please hurry! I need you.

1 comment:

M. Schlansker said...

I HATE ants too! They haven't been a problem up here like they are in the South. We do get ladybugs in the house though. I'll take the ladybugs over ants anyday. But you do have nice winters..unlike here.