Saturday, June 26, 2010

Changes ahead

We've started a new experiment in hopes that we can calm LJ down. First was something I've been wanting to do for about a year now...and that is install a swing indoors! I bought a chin up bar (on clearance from 100 down to 20!! Score one for me!) It screws into the doorway and I just attached the swing to it. LJ loved it and I have to admit that I took a few turns too and it's fun! Excuse the dirty swing..I grabbed a swing from the swingset outside! I'll be buying a new swing for indoors soon.


The second change we're making is to LJ's diet. We are going gluten free for him. I spent way too much of my paycheck to purchase certain foods (Earth're great for what I need but must you charge so much...just be glad I saved so much on that chin up bar!) I bought gluten free cookies, crackers, bread, pancake mix, pasta and pasta sauce. Also got gluten free cereals and peanut butter and jam. We should be set for the week besides a few things I want to pick up Wednesday. I wanted to buy GF waffles, chicken nuggets and frozen dinners but I had another stop to make before heading back home and I didn't have a cooler so I couldn't get the cold stuff.

I sure hope we see a change in him with this. I read another blog and the mom stated that after starting her son on a GF diet for SPD she saw a change. His "mud" poop went to normal and his stimming was reduced. LJ has both of these issues as well as crazy hyperness so we'll see if anything changes. I plan to make it at least 3 or 4 weeks before I say for sure if there's a change.

We also picked up a play-doh playset today on clearance (I love clearance). I got almost an hour of calm sitting down playtime out of LJ. I did sit with him while he played. It was a miracle that he sat for that long. I plan on doing activities with him like this to get him used to sitting for longer periods before school starts.

Monday, June 7, 2010


I have a ton of photos to post and lots to write but I just haven't had the time. Or maybe I've just enjoyed being lazy a little too much.

We went to the beach last week. Myrtle Beach. It was LJ's first time ever seeing the beach. We all had a great time but since we were camping I was ready to leave when we did. We got home and sat around doing nothing the rest of the week and weekend. It was great.

LJ had a dentist appointment to get a tooth filled on Thursday afternoon. I wasn't sure how he'd do. He does great for cleanings, but I wasn't sure how the shot would go over. But he was wonderful! No tears and not even any objections. The whole thing only took about 20 minutes. He's got 1 more small filling to do but I know he'll do good with that too.

LJ gets his braces on his legs Wednesday. His appointment is at 12:30. He's excited, but I think he'll get irritated after he has them on. We'll just do an hour or two for the first few days and gradually work up more time each day. That'll help him get used to wearing them. And I'm getting some vinyl cutouts so he can add a sticker on the back for fun. That way it won't clash with what he's wearing like the prints they offered.

I'll update in the next few days with some pictures.