Thursday, January 29, 2009


What's the significance of this picture? It's just a picture of a bracelet made of a few beautiful blue and white beads right?

Well, if you haven't heard about LJ's latest adventure then you're missing the significance of the picture completely. Here's the story.

LJ had his 3 year check-up with the pediatrician yesterday. Dr. Hanna was checking his eyes and ears and then checked his nose. Looked in the left nostril...gave the all clear. Looked in the right nostril and very casually (as if something he sees everyday) says "Did you know he had a bead in his nose?" Then continued to check his nose on the left side again. I had to giggle. Geeez. It's NEVER a dull ped visit for us! So after the check-up was finished Dr. Hanna attempted to retrieve the blue bead from the right nostril. All attempts failed and we were instructed to go downtown to the ENT office to have it removed.
We arrive at the ENT office late because for some reason they thought we could wrap up our ped visit and drive all the way downtown in 15 minutes. Thought they were going to give us a stink about it, but all was good. Forked over $25 copay for bead removal and waited to be called back. Dr. Barfield takes a look at his nose and says he sees nothing but snot. So, he numbs his nose up by taking some med on a piece of cotton and putting it up his nose. Much like you'd stick toilet paper in your nose to stop a nosebleed. It stayed there for a minute and then we pulled it out. After his nose was numb, Dr. B came back in the room and suctioned out the snot. After that he had a strange look on his face and turned off the light and placed his instruments back on the table. I knew something wasn't good. The conversation went something like this:

Dr. B. "Yep, there's a blue bead up there:
Me. "I'm guessing by the fact you just put everything down that you can't remove it?"
Dr. B. "Weeeeeellllll, I can but you have 2 options. We can wrap him in a blanket and hold him down and try to remove it. It'll take some pulling and it's going to hurt. It may cause his nose to bleed afterwards. Or we can bring him to our Evans office on Monday and put him to sleep and remove it in the OR room"
Me. "Oh geez...only my kid!"

The bead is so big that Dr. B said he wasn't sure how LJ even got it up there. It's not visible by just looking in his have to lay him back and shine a flashlight up his nostril to see it. I can't believe he hasn't complained of it hurting. He's on antibiotics because his nose is infected because his body is trying to fight off the bead. Body vs. blue bead!
So, we're going in Monday for then to put him to sleep and remove the very large blue bead from his nose.


Anonymous said...

OMG that sounds like something one of my kids would do! That's just crazy. I wonder how long it would have been stuck up there if he hadn't been for a check up? Good luck on Monday. Let me know how it goes or if you need anything.

Unknown said...

Wow! That is some serious stuff! I still giggled a bit though