Please can we go home? Please can we go home? That's what I woke up saying. We wouldn't know until the doctor came in to see us. When the nurse came in to take LJ's vitals, he decided to help her out a little. This was Dianne. She was such a sweet nurse. LJ hooked his blood pressure cuff up to the machine and got it ready for her. He had unhooked it the time before this so she let him hook it up this time.
And we ventured to the playroom and ended up getting some Play-Doh and sidewalk chalk to play with. We took him outside and me and him drew all over the patio floors and then went back to the room to play with Play-Doh. LJ made pizzas for us and then planted us a garden. I love that boy's imagination!
Well, the doctor came in to talk to us around 10:30 Thursday morning. He told us that we would be able to go home after the x-ray was taken. I was sure excited to hear that news! It took them about 45 minutes to come get him for the x-ray so we waiting in the room and LJ played the XBox more. When the nurse came in to get him, she had a wheelchair with her. (I'd actually had a dream the night before that the nurse came in with a huge wheelchair to get him and I remember thinking that surely they had smaller wheelchairs for kids. haha) They put a hospital gown on him (which was ten times too big) and wheeled him down to x-ray.
Isn't he so cute sitting in the little wheelchair?
He was a pro at the x-ray since he's had so many done and he sat perfectly still. Then they wheeled him back up to his room. Ms. Mandy had come by earlier that morning while we were in the playroom and told us that the Therapy Dogs group would be in the hospital at 1:15. I figured we would be released before then but LJ wanted to see them. The resident doctor (Dr. Clements) had come in and explained the findings of the x-ray and showed us the before and after pictures around 12:45. We started waiting on the nurse to come and remove the tube but no one showed up. At 1:15, I walked him down the hall and found one of the nurses and told her that I was going to take LJ upstairs to see the dogs. So, up we went to the 5th floor playroom to see the dogs. We had to wait a couple minutes for the dogs, but then they showed up. And there was a lot of them. I only got pics with a few, but LJ enjoyed being able to see them and pet them. His favorite was "Toby"
This is Toby, LJ's favorite.
I forgot his name, but I've never seen a dog like this before. His hair looked so wirey, but it was actually fairly soft.
The lady with this dog said it was a good thing he turned his head when I took the pic, because he doesn't like pics. Oops
This adorable little dog had on a flag shirt for Flag Day. She was a sweet little dog.
And one cute pic of LJ eating a popsicle. They brought his lunch out but didn't change the broth to chicken and brought vegetable broth instead and brought him yellow jell-o. He didn't like anything on his tray except the apple juice so I went and got him a popsicle. He had gotten one the night before and was happy to finally have something new. Wish I had known he could have purple and I would've requested a popsicle earlier! (He was on a clear liquid diet-no red)

The preacher came to visit us about 15 minutes before they released us. It was nice of him to visit. He had been told LJ was in the hospital but didn't ask what for because he wasn't sure the girl who had told him knew and didn't want to pry. We explained the situation and told him we were happy he had come by. While he was visiting, the nurse came by and remove the tube. We were sure happy to see her. But the tape holding the tube onto LJ's face was really strong tape. He wasn't a happy camper when she started pulling it off. She got the tape off and pulled the tube out. He was worried the tube would hurt coming out, but he said it didn't hurt a bit. Just the tape hurt. We got our release papers and we were on our way.
LJ was ready for some "chewing food" so we stopped in at McDonalds on the 1st floor of the CMC and got him a happy meal. He gobbled down all of it on the way home.
A huge thanks to all the wonderful nurses that took care of us during our stay. Everyone was extremely nice and so sweet to LJ.