Saturday, April 17, 2010

My New Toy

Found her at Salvation Army about a month ago. Her price tag was a bit too steep for me so I passed on her. I went back yesterday and told myself if she was $30 or less I'd get it. I didn't really expect it to still be there. But there she was...sitting in the back corner still. The price tag was gone so I asked the lady there. I told her I'd seen it about a month ago and was waiting on the price to drop on it. She asked if I remembered the price...I told her it was either 50 or 60 and she said $29.99! Yipee. I plugged it in to make sure it worked (the tag had said it did) It took a while to figure out how to make it go (no foot pedal but a bar you push with your knee). It seems to work smoothly. I haven't threaded it up yet to sew anything but I will be doing that this afternoon. She'll be so pretty in my new sewing building that I just ordered today!










Krystin said...

Haha that thing looks a little old( : does it work good?

~amanda~ said...

yep, sure does!

M. Schlansker said... I need to drag my grandmother's sewing machine into the house and figure it out and learn it. I"ve got lots to learn.

~amanda~ said...

yes you should..what kind does she have? My mother-in-law said she has an older one and I could have it. I haven't seen it yet.